Paris Dreaming consists of a dual projection of photographic slides and Super 8 film with a separate sound recording. The film, slides and sound document a series of drift walks through the Jardin des Plantes Menagerie and Parc Zoologique at Vincennes in Paris. The filmed encounters with the animals and birds in captivity focus on the relationship between the camera's gaze and the uncomfortable position of the viewer. The soundtrack recorded in the menagerie and the courtyard at the Centre Culturel Irlandaise juxtaposes radio and birdsong in the foreground with Paris demonstrations in the background. This film has been redeveloped with the addition of a bilingual text written by Desmond which is overlaid in subtitle form. This text has been informed by an ongoing conversation with the philosopher and editor of Semiotexte Sylvere Lotringer. The film explores duality, interior and exterior, caged and uncaged, through the methodologies of image, sound and text until these distinctions blur.